VMCH has labelled a VCAT decision to reject an Ivanhoe East retirement development in the midst of a national housing crisis as “short-sighted” and “nonsensical”.
On 18 May 2023 the Victorian Administrative Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) refused an application by the Catholic non-profit organisation for a five-storey, 56-apartment retirement development. It followed a planning permit refusal from Banyule City Council in September last year.
With the design falling within all relevant bylaws and planning requirements, and meeting a huge demand for retirement accommodation across Victoria, VMCH took the case to VCAT.
CEO Sonya Smart says she is “extremely disappointed” by VCAT’s decision, based on height and streetscape concerns.
“We don’t believe there are strong grounds for refusal,” Ms Smart says. “It seems we are victim to interpretations and greyness that surrounds planning merits. Some of VCAT’s findings are frankly absurd and appear to be based on personal perception rather than substantiated by planning controls.
“To be given a blatant ‘no’ from the tribunal with no right to appeal is also ridiculous. We were willing to work with the Tribunal and council and local residents to achieve a result that would have benefited the entire community.”
The population of residents aged 65+ living in Ivanhoe and surrounds is expected to grow from 29,000 to 34,035 by 2032. The State Government’s own Ageing Well in Victoria Action Plan 2022-2026 notes older people want to age in place within their local neighbourhood and community.
To meet this demand, we need to work collaboratively to plan for the future and deliver age-appropriate housing. Instead, we are dealing with constant roadblocks,” Sonya says.
VMCH uses capital from its retirement living developments to fund its Mission-based projects for some of Victoria’s most vulnerable people. Just last month, it launched Trinity Lane in nearby Ivanhoe, home to 39 older people on low incomes and people with disabilities.
VMCH offers affordable homes to 436 financially disadvantaged people in 21 communities across Victoria. Ninety per cent of its residents are females over 55, the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness.
“Along with the nearly $2 million wasted on this process, the cost to those we could have provided with desperately needed affordable housing is immeasurable. Retirement developments also help free up stock for young families struggling to enter the housing market.”