28 Jul 2021

Warrick Jennings says if it wasn’t for VMCH he would be “another homeless statistic living on the street”.

Warrick lost his private rental because he couldn’t afford to pay the rent due to ill health. Social workers at Monash Hospital put him in touch with the VMCH affordable homes team, and thankfully, Warrick moved into our Caulfield North affordable homes community last month.

“It was a great relief I finally had a roof over my head permanently. It took away a lot of stress and worry.”

August 1-7 is Homelessness Week; highlighting the critical need for secure, affordable housing for all.

Anglicare Australia’s Rental Affordability Snapshot 2021 found just 0.5 per cent of rentals were affordable and suitable for a retiree on the Age Pension. People aged over 55 are one of the largest at-risk groups for becoming homeless.

Affordable homes

VMCH provides 360 affordable homes across Melbourne as well as providing land for a peppercorn lease for another 40-plus homes through the Director of Housing.

Like so many, Warrick never imagined he’d be worrying about a roof over his head at this stage of his life. He was a self-employed gardener for 30 years, worked in a bank, for a gas and fuel corporation, and even owned a milk bar.

“These were all very successful so it just proves anyone can end up homeless without the help of people like those at VMCH.”

VMCH CEO Sonya Smart says providing affordable homes is part of the non-profit organisation’s mission to support the most vulnerable in the community.

“All people and especially older people deserve to live in comfort, with security and with dignity,” she says. “There is a huge gap in housing for older people, particularly older women who are still very independent and many years away from requiring aged care services. That’s why we continue to actively grow our affordable homes across Melbourne and will be breaking ground on our most recent development in Ivanhoe East in the next few months.”

The future for Warrick

For now, Warrick is settling into his home and enjoying a new sense of ease.

“Affordable homes are so important for a good quality of life, for independence and safety and not worrying about where the next dollar will come from.”

His new home has also given him hope for the future.

“Caulfield North is a good location for transport and shopping and will enable me to keep working part-time. I’m looking forward to having some financial security, and belonging to a community.”

Would you like more info on VMCH’s affordable homes? Click here.

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