4 May 2021

“We deal with some gut wrenchingly devastating scenarios only to turn around to then face some suffocatingly hilarious situations. You MUST have good listening ears, be able to read between the lines, a wicked sense of humour and be able to take each day as it comes.”

Amie Pollock is one of our 300 nurses who, like so many across the globe, have contended with unprecedented challenges over the past year.

This International Nurses Day (12 May 2021), we celebrate their unwavering compassion, tenacity, skill and care shown to the people we support across our disability, allied health and aged care services.


What do you do as part of your current role?

I’m the Short Term Restorative Care Co-ordinator (Registered Nurse) in our Grampians region. With the support of my team we implement services, equipment and strategies in the home of mature people to improve independence. Some day’s it’s arranging wound dressing or medication packs and other days it’s just chatting and having a listening ear.

What do you love most about your job?

I truly love the stories of the clients we see at home. Not so long ago they were all as young and silly as we all are. By listening and taking apart their stories, with the support of my amazing team, we can make such incredible changes that improve their quality of life. The complexity of our clients and the way they manage day-to-day life is inspiring.

Have the challenges of COVID made you feel any different about being a nurse?

I don’t think COVID changed how I feel about being a nurse, but I think it has made the population more aware of the roles we all play and the emotional strength of not only nurses but all front line health care workers.

Are you looking for a little more help at home from nurses like Amie?

Check out our At-Home Aged Care services here or call 1300 698 624.

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