Help at home

There are many ways you can fund your services.

How can I fund my supports?

Home Care Packages

A Home Care Package (HCP) is a package of care services funded by the government to help you remain living at home.

Eligibility for a Home Care Package is determined by the Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS). This assessment is free and conducted in your home by experienced professionals. Government funding can greatly reduce your fees, however if personal circumstances allow, you may be asked to contribute to the cost of your care.

Please click here for pricing information.

Commonwealth Home Support Programme

The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) is a government-subsidised program, providing entry-level services to help you stay living at home, independently, for longer.

If you’re waiting for a HCP or you’ve had a small health setback, CHSP is the first step to helping you get back on your feet.

Firstly, you may be eligible for CHSP if you are having trouble doing everyday activities and need support to live independently in the community. Other criteria is that you’re:

  • 65 years or older (50 years or older and identify as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person).
  • 50 years or older (45 years or older for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) and on a low income, homeless or at risk of being homeless.

Privately funded services

You can organise privately funded services directly and you won’t need a doctor’s referral.

You can choose to purchase from our range of services on a short or long-term basis. These services can be delivered when and where you need, from one to 24 hours or seven days a week. Plus, we’ll work with you and your budget.

Click here to learn more about our privately funded services.

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